Tarot Benefits in Experimenting
Tarot comes from a rich tradition of correspondences, spreads, schools of thought, and magic. One can spend a lifetime focused around the deeper exploration of a single methodology.
Integrating tarot into your passions fosters innovation. Tarot is a tool that can lend support to many aspects of your world. Select something you are passionate about and list ways the cards can enhance it. When you create innovation with tarot, you challenge the status quo and introduce new insights into the rich tradition of tarot.
“Tarot meaning rut” is real and it happens often. You’ve spent time to learn several tarot meanings and tend to use them over and over when giving readings. It’s happened to me and it can affect you. Habits are easy to fall into. Experimenting with card meanings and how we see the cards can breathe new life into our repertoire.
Playing around with tarot is fun. In fact, it’s the whole basis of my book, Tarot Inspired Life.